Wintersemester 20/21

Seminar „Selected Topics in Empirical Capital Market Research“ (Master)
- Lecturer:
- Prof. Dr. Heiko Jacobs
- Dr. Jonas Dorlöchter
- Assistant Professor Dr. Patrick Schwarz
- Contact:
- Term:
- Winter Semester 2020/2021
- Cycle:
- Wintersemester
- Time:
- 01.10.2020 - 31.01.2021
- Room:
- BigBlueButton Videokonferenzraum (Moodle)
- Start:
- 01.10.2020
- End:
- 31.01.2021
- Language:
- English
- Moodle:
- Lecture in Moodle
- LSF:
- Lecture in LSF
- Participants:
The module provides students with the knowledge and skills to independently and critically analyze a practically and scientifically relevant subfield of empirical capital market research based on an in-depth literature review as well as an accompanying presentation.
Recommended previous knowledge:
- Students are assumed to have a profound understanding of finance (for instance by having taken the lectures offered by the chair).
- Basic econometric skills are helpful to understand empirical research conducted in the academic papers which the module’s content is based on.
- A sufficient level of spoken and written English language skills is necessary.
Learning Targets:
- Meet the formalities of a scientific paper
- Independently collect, systemize, compare, and review the state-of-the-art academic literature
- Acquire a profound understanding of a specific subfield of empirical capital market research
- Can evaluate scientific studies accurately, understand the methodology used in leading papers of the field, can interpret estimation results correctly
- Are able to critically reflect on limitations of existing research
- Are able to present and defend their term paper in a professional way
Are in a position to identify starting points for their own research
Zeitplan (unter Vorbehalt):
- 30.09.2020: Bekanntgabe des "Oberthemas"
- 23.10.2020: Bewerbungsende (Bewerbungsbogen im Moodlekurs)
- 06.11.2020: Eröffnungsveranstaltung von 13:00 bis 16:00 Uhr im BigBlueButton Videokonferenzraum
- 12.11.2020: Offizielle Anmeldung mit Themenpräferenz (E-Mail ans Sekretariat)
- 13.11.2020: Zuweisung der Themen via E-Mail
- 22.01.2021: Abgabe der Seminararbeit (online Upload im Moodlekurs & Abgabe am Lehrstuhl)
- 28.01.2021: Vorstellung der Seminararbeiten im BigBlueButton Videokonferenzraum; Beginn: 10:00 Uhr
The literature depends on the specific topic. Students will be provided with relevant papers in the introductory session.
The module-related examination consists of a seminar paper (usually 15 pages, 75% of the grade), and of an accompanying presentation (usually 20 minutes, 25% of the grade). The successful presentation of the seminar paper is a requirement to pass the module.