Visiting Lecturers
Curriculum Vitae:
- 2015 - 2022: Ph.D. Student at the Chair of Finance at the University Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
- 2011 - 2014: Business Administration - Energy Economics and Finance (M.Sc.) at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
- Final Thesis: Empirical Master Thesis at the Chair of Finance and Banking with the title: „Anleger in der Liquiditätsfalle – Welches Potential hat der Peer-to-Peer Markt?“
- 2013: Semester abroad at Griffith University of Brisbane, Nathan Campus (Australia)
- 2008 - 2011: Business Administration (B.Sc.) at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
- Bachelor thesis at the Chair of Finance and Banking with the title: „Wirtschaftlichkeitsprüfung innovativer Energietechnologien – Am Beispiel von Geothermie Kraftwerken“
Practical experience:
- 2022 - today: Senior Consultant, WEPEX Consulting
- 2017 - 2022: Research Assistant at the Chair of Financing at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
- 2016 - today: Lecturer at the FOM (University of Economics & Management)
- 2015 - 2017: Research associate at the Chair of Finance and Banking at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
- 2013 - 2014: Managing Director act-Projektgesellschaft UG (haftungsbeschränkt)2012 - 2014: Research Assistant at the Chair of Finance and Banking at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
- 2012 - 2014: Chairman of the board act e.V. - student management consultancy
- 2011 - 2014: Numerous consulting projects within the scope of my work at act e.V. - student management consultancy
- 2013: Internship at RWE Supply & Trading GmbH (RWE AG)
- 2011 - 2012: Member of Customer Relationship Managements of act e.V. - student management consultancy
- 2010 - 2012: Student Assistant at the Chair of Finance and Banking at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
Honours and Awards:
- 2015: 1. Platz beim Wissenschaftspreis der NATIONAL-BANK für hervorragende Abschlussarbeiten
- 2015: Erhalt des Alumni-Preises für ausgezeichnete Studienleistungen durch die Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Duisburg-Essen
- 2013: Bester Absolvent an der Griffith University of Brisbane (International Business Finance)
- 2013: PROMOS-Stipendiat des Deutschen akademischen Austauschdiensts
Fields of Research:
- Behavioral Economics/Finance
- Experimental Economics/Finance
We demonstrate in our experiment that an exogenous shock does not lead to increasing risk aversion, and has ultimately no significant impact on investors’ risk preference in general. To do so, we keep subjects’ risk and return expectations fixed and focus solely on loss in wealth. As a theoretical framework, we use the expected utility approach and take the class of HARA-utility functions to analyse subjects’ preferences. Particularly, our methodical approach affords insights into the impact of economic fluctuations on investors’ risk-taking and the measurement of risk preferences per se. We conclude that cautious investment behavior after an economic crisis might rather be due to changes in the perception of risk and return. Moreover, we give evidence that, in general, it is not sufficient to explain investors’ risk-taking solely by preferences.
- Amann, E.; Dorlöchter, J.: Ein konvergenter Erklärungsansatz für Geldanlageentscheidungen. In: Kaluza, B; Beschorner, H.; Braun, K. D.; Rolfes, B. (Ed.): Betriebswirtschaftliche Fragen zu Steuern, Finanzierung, Banken und Management, Festschrift zum 66. Geburstag. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2017, p. 393-402. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-16730-1CitationDetails
- 2017: International Conference on Operations Research from 06 - 08 September 2017 in Berlin - Conference contribution: Amann, Erwin/Dorlöchter, Jonas: "An experimental approach to investigate whether and how risk attitudes change"
- 2017: Experimental Finance 2017 from 14 - 16. Juni 2017 in Nizza - Conference contribution: Amann, Erwin/Dorlöchter, Jonas: "An experimental approach to understand risk taking before and after an income shock"
- 2017: 10th Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium - Conference contribution: Amann, Erwin/Dorlöchter, Jonas: "An experimental approach to understand risk taking before and after an income shock"
- 2016: XI. annual conference - Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2016 - Conference contribution: Amann, Erwin/Dorlöchter, Jonas: "An experimental approach to understand risk taking before and after an income shock" ("Expected utility as a normative and descriptive theory")
- 2015: XVI. Symposium on the economic analysis of the company (GEABA) from 23. - 25. September 2015 in Hamburg - Conference contribution: Amann, Erwin/Dorlöchter, Jonas: "An experimental approach to understand risk taking before and after an income shock" ("Expected utility as a normative and descriptive theory")
- 2015: 19. ecfs-Banken-Symposium from 15. - 16. September 2015 in Duisburg
- 2015: ecfs-commission day in Münster
- 2014: ecfs-sales day in Düsseldorf
- 2011: Podium participants at Symposium „Der Phönix fliegt“ in Essen - Panel discussion with, among others, the Chairman of the Executive Board Dr. Heinrich Hiesinger of ThyssenKrupp AG, on the role of the Ruhr industry in the 21st century
- ST 19: Specialist seminar "Behavioral Corporate Finance"
- WT 18/19: Exercise "Behavioral Finance" (Master); Fachseminar zur "Vermögensverwaltung"
- ST 18: Exercise "Corporate Finance" (Master); Fachseminar zu "Prospect theory and Ratings in the wild"
- WT 17/18: Exercise "Investition und Finanzierung" (Bachelor); Fachseminar zu "Portfolioentscheidungen von Privatinvestoren"
- ST 17: Exercise Bankmanagement I (Master); Fachseminar zu "Corporate Rating and Behavioral Economics"
- WT 16/17: Exercise "Investition und Finanzierung" (Bachelor)
- ST 16: Exercise Bankmanagement I (Master); Fachseminar zu "Gesamtbanksteuerung und Marketing im genossenschaftlichen Verbund"
- WT 15/16: Exercise "Investition und Finanzierung" (Bachelor); Klausurenkurs zu "Investition und Finanzierung" (Bachelor); Fachseminar zu "Wie Phoenix aus der Asche - Erfolgreiche Finanzierung im Turnaround-Prozess"
- ST 15: Exercise Bankmanagement I (Master)
- WT 14/15: Exercise "Investition und Finanzierung" (Bachelor); Klausurenkurs zu "Investition und Finanzierung" (Bachelor); Fachseminar zu "Fintech: Laue Lüftchen, frische Brisen oder Hurrikans auf den Finanzmärkten?"
- WT 13/14: Exercise "Investition und Finanzierung" (Bachelor); Klausurenkurs zu "Investition und Finanzierung" (Bachelor)
- WT 12/13: Exercise "Investition und Finanzierung" (Bachelor); Klausurenkurs zu "Investition und Finanzierung" (Bachelor)
- WT 11/12: Tutorial "Investition und Finanzierung" (Bachelor)
- WT 10/11: Tutorial "Investition und Finanzierung" (Bachelor)
- Member of the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Duisburg-Essen
- Alumni of the student management consultancy "act e.V." of the University of Duisburg-Essen