Organization & Procedure

Term paper - Organization & procedure
If you are interested in a term paper in the field of finance, you should familiarize yourself with the following information.
Admission requirement
In principle, every student of business administration, economics, or related Bachelor's and Master's courses can write a term paper with us. Every term, we offer our "Finance" seminar for Bachelor students. Master students can attend our English-language seminar "Selected Topics in Empirical Capital Market Research" every winter term starting in the upcoming winter term 2020/2021. Preference is given to candidates who are interested in empirical capital market research, behavioral finance, experimental finance and asset management. For this reason, candidates should have attended our courses. Candidates who have not studied the main focus of our chair should demonstrate or acquire appropriate specialist knowledge.
Important: The application for a term paper is only possible after successfully completing our Moodle course "writing academic term papers/theses at the chair of finance" (current link: see University Library picture in the sidebar). To prepare for the test we have created a learning module in the same Moodle course. After successfully completing the test, further areas in the Moodle course will be unlocked for you. There you will first get access to the necessary application forms. Furthermore, it is the student's responsibility to check whether the examination requirements (e.g. certain number of credit points in the basic studies) for a successful completion of the seminar are fulfilled.
If you are already enrolled in one of the Moodle courses of our chair, you are also admitted to the Moodle Course "writing academic term papers/theses at the chair of finance" via the meta enrollment. If you have already written a scientific paper at our chair once, you do not need to take the test again. In this case or if you have problems accessing the Moodle course, please contact our secretary's office for a manual enrollment.
Our finance seminars deal with topics of empirical capital market research, behavioral finance, experimental finance and asset management.
Important: For all subject areas, the basic literature and further literature is in English!
If you are interested in writing a term paper in the near future, please send your application documents (including application form, curriculum vitae and certificate of achievement) to the secretary's office after successfully completing the Moodle course described above, or submit the documents there during the usual office hours. On our News page you will find a corresponding schedule for the current semester and the selected general topic of the seminar.
Confirmation of participation:
Accepted candidates will be informed in writing during the calendar week following the closing date for applications. They will also receive more detailed information about the opening event of the seminar.
Registration of the seminar paper and announcement of the results
After you have been introduced to the subject areas and the individual sub-topics of the specialist seminar during the opening event, you will receive a subject preference sheet on the same day. As a rule, this must be handed in at the chair at the latest one week after the opening event (see current schedule). With the submission of your topic preference the official registration for the seminar takes place.
As soon as the evaluation has been completed and the final grade of the seminar paper has been determined, you will be notified by the Examination Office.
Length of a seminar paper and formalities
The module is accompanied by a module-related examination, which covers the following examination forms: seminar paper (usually 15 pages, 75% of the grade) and giving a seminar presentation (usually 15 minutes, 25% of the grade). The successful presentation is a prerequisite for passing the seminar. The formal requirements for the preparation and details of the scope of seminar papers can be found in the Guidelines for writing papers. Further information can be found in the Moodle course described above.
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Academic writing
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