
 Mon, 11. Oct 2021   Schwarz, Patrick

Courses/teaching in the winter term 2021/2022

Dear students,

The current Corona situation and the requirements of the university mean that we will be able to hold all courses (lecture and tutorial) in the upcoming winter semester 2021/2022 in attendance again:

  •  Investment and Financing:

      Hybrid, i.e. students can choose their preferred form of learning:

      1. in presence - max. occupancy of the lecture hall with a capacity of 500 people.

      2. online provision of lecture and exercise materials in the form of videos in the Moodle course room
         [these videos are from the WS 2020/2021, largely refer to identical slides (except for organisational aspects and
         isolated examples)].

  •  Corporate Finance: in presence
  •  Behavioural Finance: in presence
  •  Seminar "Financial Economics" (Bachelor): in presence
  •  Seminar "Selected Topics in Empirical Capital Market Research" (Master): in presence

The Corona Protection Ordinance stipulates that events in educational institutions may only be attended by immunised or tested persons.

Below you will find all relevant and important information on the regulations at a glance:

Important: Please note that it is not possible to register for the Moodle course "Scientific Work" with a password. You will be automatically enrolled in this course as soon as you have enrolled in another Moodle course (except I&F) of our chair.

Your FIN Team