
Archived messages

 Mon, 16. Dec 2024   Prof. Dr. Heiko Jacobs

Online Survey

We are currently conducting a short online survey on the perception of risk and return in financial markets.
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 Fri, 27. Jan 2023   Heike Adler-Dinglinger

Seminar WS 2022/2023 at the Chair of Finance

Dear students, In the winter term 2022/2023 we offer our German-language Bachelor Seminar "Finanzwirtschaft" on the following general topic: "Short-Selling" Based on the existing literature we will examine in this...
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 Thu, 01. Sept 2022   Heike Adler-Dinglinger

Courses/teaching in the winter term 2022/2023

Dear students, Due to the ongoing corona crisis, we will be offering all our modules in the upcoming winter semester 2022/2023 Investment and financing (weekly videos on Moodle) Corporate Finance (Live lecture &...
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 Sat, 21. May 2022   Schwarz, Patrick

Research associate wanted starting September 2022

To support our team we are looking for a research associate (m/f/d) starting September 2022. You can find more information here. Please hand in your meaningful application to the secretary's office by 17.06.2022 or send it...
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 Wed, 11. May 2022   Schwarz, Patrick

Registration for the review of the exam Corporate Finance on 16.05.2022

Dear students, The review of the exam Corporate Finance (1st examination date) takes place on 16.05.2022 from 09:30 am in my office R11 T07 D21 or in the seminar room on the opposite side of the corridor. A registration...
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 Mon, 02. May 2022   Adler-Dinglinger, Heike

Anmeldung zur Prüfungseinsicht Investition und Finanzierung NT

Die Einsicht in die Prüfung Investition und Finanzierung NT findet am Freitag, den 06.05.2022 von 07:45 Uhr bis ca. 09:45 Uhr statt. Bitte melden Sie sich nur zur Prüfungseinsicht an, wenn Sie auch wirklich Interesse haben in...
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 Thu, 31. Mar 2022   Lauber, Alexander

Student assistant wanted starting Mai 2022

Dear students, to support our team we are looking for a student/scientific assistant (m/f) for 5-8 hours/week starting Mai 2022. You can find more information here. Please hand in your meaningful application to the...
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 Mon, 28. Feb 2022   Schwarz, Patrick

Registration for the review of the exam Corporate Finance on 11.03.2022

Dear students, The review of the exam Corporate Finance (1st examination date) takes place on 11.03.2022 from 09:30 am in my office R11 T07 D21 or in the seminar room on the opposite side of the corridor. A registration...
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 Tue, 19. Oct 2021   Schwarz, Patrick

Registration for the review of the exam Asset Management on 26.10.2021

Dear students, The review of the exam Asset Management (1st examination date) takes place on 26.10.2021 from 14:30 am in my office R11 T07 D21 or in the seminar room on the opposite side of the corridor. A registration until...
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 Mon, 11. Oct 2021   Schwarz, Patrick

Courses/teaching in the winter term 2021/2022

Dear students, The current Corona situation and the requirements of the university mean that we will be able to hold all courses (lecture and tutorial) in the upcoming winter semester 2021/2022 in attendance again:  Inves...
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 Thu, 16. Sept 2021   Heike Adler-Dinglinger

Seminar WS 2021/2022 at the Chair of Finance

Dear students, In the winter term 2021/2022 we offer our German-language Bachelor Seminar "Finanzwirtschaft" on the following general topic: "Bubbles and crashes" The schedule is as follows: 22.10.2021: Application...
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 Fri, 10. Sept 2021   Schwarz, Patrick

Registration for the review of the exam Asset Management on 16.09.2021

Dear students, The review of the exam Asset Management (1st examination date) takes place on 16.09.2021 from 9:30 am in my office R11 T07 D21 or in the seminar room on the opposite side of the corridor. A registration until...
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Campus Impression